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How To Use WriteSonic to Create Your YouTube Script


If you're looking for a way to help your brand stand out on YouTube, then WriteSonic is what you need. It's an easy-to-use script editor that makes it easy to create professional-looking videos. In this post, I'll show you how to use WriteSonic so that you can make a compelling YouTube script in no time!

Download WriteSonic

The first step to using WriteSonic is downloading the app. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Click here to go to the WriteSonic home page

  • Click "Download Now" in the top right corner of your screen or use Ctrl+D on Windows and Command+D on Mac OS X machines if you're using one of those platforms, depending on which version of Google Chrome you have installed (I'm not sure if there's any difference in how they handle this). This will take you to a page where they provide instructions for downloading their software onto your computer—just click "Download Now" again, then enter your email address so that they can send an activation code via text message later today! You'll also need a valid credit card number with which we'll be able to pay for our monthly subscription fee once we sign up."

Create a new project

  • Go to the Dashboard and select "Create New Project."

  • Give your project a name, and then select your language (English or Spanish).

  • Select how many videos you want in your script:

  • 1 video—for example, if you're creating a YouTube tutorial on how to do something with WriteSonic, this would be fine for now; it's good practice for when we get into more advanced stuff later on! But if there was already another video in this project already then I'd suggest changing its number of videos from 1 down below where it says "New Number Of Videos?" so that we can keep adding new ones later on when needed - just make sure none of them exceed 100MB total size before publishing either way though :)

Import your videos into the app

To import videos into WriteSonic, you need to first download them from YouTube or any other source. Once you've done that, it's as simple as dragging and dropping your files onto the app!

If you have several videos that need to be imported at once (or if you want to get more organized), we also have an option for bulk importing where we'll automatically add all of your files together into one big batch.

Edit each video individually

The next step is to edit each video individually. To do this, select the video you want to edit from the list on WriteSonic's main screen.

  • Add a title for your video: You can type in anything you want here, but it should be relevant and appropriate for what you're trying to say in the script. For example, if it's an educational video about how to cook dinner (or make pancakes), then maybe "How To Cook Dinner" would be a good title choice! If it's something more personal like "My Life," then maybe try something like "An Insight Into My Life."

  • Add a description of your video: This will provide context for viewers who may not know exactly what they're watching or why they're watching it (and therefore help them get interested). Try giving some background information about who wrote this script and why they wrote it so well-written! Also include keywords such as “funny” or “awesome” so that search engines know how relevant this content is when ranking results based on those terms alone."

Sort (or "index") your videos

If you're creating a script for YouTube, it's helpful to sort your videos by their dates so that the script is more chronological. You can also sort by type and length to make it easier to find the right video.

Get started with the script editor.

Once you've opened the app, it will ask you to enter your name and email address. You can also choose a username if you want to be able to access the script editor again in the future.

Next, click "create script." This will take you into a new window where you can start writing!

If this seems too daunting at first glance then don't worry! We've got some great tips below that should help get started with making your own YouTube videos quickly and easily!

It's easy make a professional-looking YouTube script using WriteSonic.

WriteSonic is an app that makes it easy to create a professional-looking YouTube script. You can use the app to edit your video scripts, and even add special effects like text animations and sound effects. If you want to create a video script for your channel or business, then this is the tool for you!


If you’re looking to make your YouTube videos more professional, then WriteSonic could be the perfect tool for you. It’s easy to use and gives great results. You can even export your script as a PDF file, which makes it easy to share with friends or coworkers who aren't familiar with this form of media creation yet!

There’s nothing holding you back, start your YouTube channel now!

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